Tuesday, January 5, 2010

!!!.. aal izz weel..!!!

In tOday's world of RathOres, Tiwaries, where hOpe, believe , faith take a back seat and skepticism and cynicism have grown mOre than ever , it is hard tO believe sOmething gOOd can happen unless yOu have experienced One.
My jOurney fOr hOme during winter vaccatiOn was at a shOrt nOtice . SO , I cOuld nOt get a cOnfirmed seat. I was traveling On a wait listed ticket . I just packed my bag in 30 minutes and left for the train . In haste I fOrgot to take blanket . Anyway I sat a seat meant fOr Rsc . Initially,when train started everything was comfortable .
But as night grew , sO did the cOld. Even after shutting all the three tier window , chilled air sOmehOw managed tO cOme thrOugh it ( thanx tO indian railway,the window cOuldn't be lOcked prOperly ). All Other passenger were sleeping in the warm cOmfort of their blanket.I was literally shivering in all the cOldplay . Suddenly something unexpected happened . One fellOw passenger got up .He saw me in that cOndition .He was appalled . He tOOk the bOther tO OPen his suit case , tOOk Out a blanket and offered me.
It was really a feel gOOd thing . At present when people are indifferent tO even their neighbOur woes , it was refreshing to know that even nOw such peOple exist. it was really a ' Pay It FOrward ' mOment . So here is massage fOr all the skeptics and cynics out there predicting dOOms day and all . Till there are such peOple nOyhing like dOOmsday will ever happen . After all God can't be that crazy . So always hOpe and believe in best .
PS better late than never "Happy 2O1O" .