Saturday, September 24, 2011

Recession Returns ??

Second Recession: why is it imminent?
Factors indicating to recession
1) Growth rate of Germany:- 0.1%
2) France virtually no growth last quarter
3) Euro Zone as a whole -0.2%
4) Steep fall in the stock exchange across the world.

Reasons behind the Recession
1)Slow growth in the economy of the developed countries .This, in turn, affected the growth of the countries depending on export like Germany, and is a threat to growth of countries like China, India etc. The growth of developing countries, which negates this stagnation, is marred by alarming increase in the inflation. So, government here is forced to contract spending and increase interest rate, which can further lead to impediment of economic growth in these countries. These entire factor, led to dip in confidence and volatility in finance market.
2)Due to bail out packages rolled by the various governments to counter recession, the global debt of the world increased substantially. Although ,for world as whole it is still 69 % of the total GDP , for individual countries like Greece and Italy it is as high as 151 and 101 % , respectively. Earlier, market believed that other countries from EU will help these countries in bailing out from financial crisis. Now, when it is clear that UK, France, Germany all are plagued by a certain degree of economic crisis. So, the bailout package provided by the EU will be limited. Hence, the bond price fell and interest on them increased. Also the crisis originating from Greece is not contained there, but is extending itself to entire EU. Italy, Portugal, Spain and to some extent France is already facing the music
3)The above factor made serious dent in belief that the Treasury bond is a safe haven. Sovereign default now appears plausible. This has led to increase in interest rate paid by government to the bank in lieu of borrowing, even in the countries where net debt to GDP ratio is relatively not that high.
4)In the USA, public debt has increased considerably, due to stimulus package rolled out to counter the recession. To reduce this debt, government could either increase tax or withdraw the package. Sadly, it chose later leading to contraction in public expenditure rather than expansion. It not only slowed down economic growth, but also led to rejection of public expenditure as tool to counter recession .The same tool which was used to counter economic downturn since the Great Depression of 1929.
If we combine all these factors we reach to a conclusion that a second wave of global downturn is a certain possibility. In fact signal of the same has already stated to come. What makes this global downturn more sinister is that there is no mean at least in sight, at present that may stall this recession. So, this recession will last longer than the previous one because the financial weapon which was used to rein the first one has now been abjured by various nations in the world.

Friday, June 10, 2011

4OO days Of summer

If the ObviOus’ is true…I’m left with Only clue…
As the time paint my peace in a strange hue…
When the truth is beating rOund the bush…
I just see my tender dreams crush
In a gush which is dictated tO all my days…
In a rush to reach the sweetest place…
I see convOlutions but nO cOnclusiOns
FOr sOmeOne sticking tO the nOtiOns…
I wish I cOuld slide intO that velvety heart…
And get each Of its page by heart…
Wishes hmm, dOgmas , deceiving perceptiOns
FOr sweltering summer here tOO appear springs…
Whatever is yur say …My heart just hOsts your stay…
Waiting fOr the day that unleashes the cute play!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

AnOther fOrm Of lOve

It was a typical May Saturday afternOOn.In the sweltering afternOOn my twelve year Old daughter has just cOme frOm schOOl.Her mOther asked her tO eat , but she tOld that she will eat Only when her wish wOuld be ganted.She was alsO nOt ready tO reveal her wish Only when we wOuld promise tO fulfill it.
Her mOther made all pOssible effOrt tO trick her intO eating.But in vain.After that my wife put all the blame On me fOr her behaviOur. AccOrding tO hert it was my pampering that made her sO admant.My mOther whO was watching TV alsO gave me her blamish lOOk.
Even I was dumbstruck. My daughter is nOt like that.She is very desciplined child.As far as I cOuld recall never had she displayed such behaviOur .I was really intrigued. I called her and cuddingly asked what the matter was.
She began tO cry.Drops Of tear trickled On her reddish cheek.I tOld her clearly If she wanted sOme expensive thing I am nOt in pOsitiOn tO buy the same.But she told she didnt' want any expensive item Or gift.
Even a cruel hearted persOn will melt seeing my little dOll crying and I m a very kind hearted persOn. I gave her my wOrd and appeased her tO eat .
After she finished eating , I again enquired abOut the matter.What she tOld was Out Of wOrld.NOt in my wildest dream cOuld I imagine the same."I want tO shave my hair and gO bald " was all she tOld.I was dumbstruck.My mOther whO was watching all these prOceeding silently , nOw started cursing me.
"What a wOrld !! NOw a girl will same her hair. really the Kalyug has arrived and .... " my mOther was hurling all the curse . The accusation Of my wife nOw grew lOuder and lOuder.Even I was speechless.After recOllecting myself I asked her why fOr gOd sake yOu want tO be bald.But she refuse tO buzz and kept reminding me Of my prOmise.
AnyhOw I granted her the permissiOn.I cOuld nOt refuse and set a bad precedence fOr her.
Next Monday when she was leaving fOr schOOl I accompanied her tO see that students dO nOt make fun Of her.After reaching schOOl I parked my car and went inside the campus.I wOuld have walked a few step Only . I saw a lady apprOaching tOwards me.She tOld me that yOur daughter is great girl.I was amazed.Then she tOld me the stOry.
She tOld that her sOn was diagOnised with cancer.So he had tO shave his hair fOr chemOtherapy.But he was reluctant tO gO tO schOOl as he feared that student wil make fun Of his baldness.When my daughter came tO knew this she cOnsOled her.She prOmised that she tOO wOuld gO bald and give him cOmpany .Then everybOdy will buly her because she wOuld be a bald girl.

TwO drOps Of tears trickled On my face . NOw I was really prOud Of my girl and the way I brOught her up.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में

मन में हुई उथल - पुथल , आये फिर तुम याद ,
बंद हो जाएँ पलके , है ये दिल की फ़रियाद ,
क्योंकि आओगी फिर तुम ,
ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में |

धीमे पांव , हथेली पे रखे प्रेम दीया ,
तेरी छवि ने प्रेम राग छेड़ दिया ,
आतुर हुआ मनं फिर कदम चूमने ,
ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में |

ना जाने कैसे पता चली तुम्हे मेरी पसंद,
सर पे रखे नीली चुनर , मुस्काती हुई मंद-मंद ,
सोचा!सदा के लिए कर लूं कैद , तुम्हारी इस छवि को,
ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में|

हुई सांझ , आई है अरुणाई नेत्रों में भर ,
रूक गयी रक्त प्रवाह, और हुई हृदय की ओर अग्रसर,
प्रेम चंद्रमा उदित करने तुम ,
ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में|

पर बीच राह में गए तुम छोड़ कर ,
साथ निभाने की कसम तोड़कर
स्वप्न टूटा , खुली पलके ,और
तुम हुई गुम ,
ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में|

फिर से वही सूना मन,
ख्वाबों में खोजता अपनापन ,
और आसुओं में डूबती हुई पलके ,
है आश लगाये क़ि आओगे तुम फिर कल ,
ख्वाबों की गहरायिओं में|

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Selfless lOve

It was advent Of summer. StrOlling in the rOyal lawn in the cOOl morning breeze,Princess Jane smiled as she extended her arms wide, as though embracing the serinity of mOrning atmOsphere. Jumping gleefully, she swerve arOund blithely in the lawn, with her long silky jet-black tresses dancing behind her. By every standard,she was ethereal beautiful. Her cherry cOlOured lips often gave way to cherubic smiles and her eyes had a beautiful shade Of blue resmbling sapphire.
The wind stung her cheeks as she ran around in the garden, chuckling in joy.She was lOst in reverie and was jumping up and dOwn ,playfully. Suddenly she skidded on the One Of the dew drenched leaves only tO find herself in the grasp Of a strOng hand.When she Opened her eye, her heart skipped a beat as she came face to face with a freckle faced man. He smiled,shOwing a rOw Of yellOwish teeth, and then Opened his mOuth,sending Out a wave Of ObnOxiOus stench which smelled like a thousand rOtten fish. Jane eyes widened in hOrrOr, shOcking the man as he lOst grip and she fell On the flOOr.Hurt miserably,she gOt up slOwly and grunted,shOwering expletives at the dumbstruck man.But he Only lOOked dOwn withOut uttering single word. “Are yOu dumb! Can’t yOu even say sorry!"Jane cried and disappeared frOm the garden withOut waiting fOr a rebuttal.
A few days passed.Jane sat under a tree in the garden,was sObbing uncOntrOllably. Suddenly, she smelled a familiar stench and she lOOked up,Only tO see a white handkerchief.Seeing him , she was annOyed.The man then bOwed tO her an indicatiOn that he was sOrry and Offered his hndkerchief tO wipe her tear."If my bOy friend were as understanding as yOu."she murmured tOOk a paper frOm her pOcket and scribed sOmething.Their cOnversatiOn lasted fOr a hOur.
Gradually their talking becOme rOutine.He became her clOse cOnfidate.They enjOyed each other’s cOmpany immensely, even if sOmetimes it meant just sitting and gazing each Other.Most Of the time she wOuld dO the talking , and he listened while sweeping the leaves.Whenever Jane wOuld feel lOw , she was brOught tO a tree and was said tO tell her stOry tO the tree.Then he wOuld carve a happy face On the trunk Of the tree, and this sweet gesture unfaillingly brOught the cherubic smile back On Princess face.MOnths passed in minutes, and the tree was sOOn filled with many happy faces.This was their paradise and tree the prOverbial 'kalp taru'.
But this is real irOny Of knOwing an ethereal beauty.YOu cant' simply knOw her.When yOu knOw It yOu want tO talk tO her,if yOu cOuld talk her, yOu want tO tOuch her and if yOu cOuld tOuch her , yOu want tO make it yOurs fOrever.Perhaps this is what.that has described as the spell Of pulchritude.Even a grOtesque persOn like JhOn cOuld nOt save him frOm the aura Of Jane.ThOugh aware Of the huge chasm between them, he decided tO cOnvey his lOve tO the princess.
It was a cOOl evening.Jane and JhOn were indulged in their daily little cOnversatiOn>But tOday JhOn was a bit restless.When the princess asked what the matter was, JhOn cOnfessed his lOve tO her.The princess was dumbstruck hearing it.
She was unaware that unknOwinglyy she sOwn a seed Of lOve in his heart.RecOllecting herself, she replied almOst plainly " yOu are really gOOd and kind persOn.I really like yOur cOmpany.But dO yOu knOw yOur status?Is there any cOmparisiOn?I guess it was all my fault that I became freindly tO yOu.YOu and me..Its nOt pOssible in even wildest Of the dream."
ThOugh shattered mOmentarily JhOn was sOmewhat prepared fOr the answer.He didnt' speak a wOrd.He tOOk a white handkercheif Out Of his pOcket, gave it tO her and walked away.
TwO years passed.The new cOmmander in cheif Of neighbOring state was at tOur Of the kingdOm.On his vist,he expressed his desire tO meet the princess.The king was surprised by such a demand,but at stubbOrnness Of the cheif he relented.A meeting was arranged in the palace.He cOuldnt' believe his eyes.The princess was a pale shadOw Of what she was twO years agO.But as she Opened her eyes,it was filled with a glaze.SOftly she spOke " I knew yOu wOuld cOme sOme day.I was fully aware Of yOur pOtential and knew yOu just needed a shOve.That day I rejected yOu because Of nOt Only this reasOn.I am alsO destined tO live nOt mOre than 21 years.SO I did nOt wanted tO spOil yOur life.Please fOrgive me fOr the cruel wOrds i said fOr yOu that day."Tears trickled dOwn her face as she finished her wOrds.An awkward silence filled the rOOm.The princess then tOOk Out the white Handkercheif tO wipe his tears and gave it tO him.
One year passed . The Princess was nO mOre.Whenever,JhOn felt sad he went tO the garden near the tree , carved a face On the tree and wiped his tears with that white handkerchief.The Selfless lOve had truned him frOm a sweeper tO the cOmander in cheif Of a state.This what selfless lOve can dO.It will always inspire yOu tO dO sOmething better even if it is unrequited.

Friday, April 9, 2010

lOve is blind...

BefOre the genesis Of human being in the wOrld,there existed vast empty space.In this space swum all the virtues and vices. They all were bOred as they had nOthing tO dO. One day,all the vices and virtues gathered at a place.They all were having discussiOn.

Suddenly,Witty came up with an idea: "Let's play hide and seek!"

All of them liked the idea and immediately Madness shouted:"I want tO cOunt,I want tO cOunt!" Since nObOdy was crazy enOugh to take a risk tO seek Madness,all other agreed.Madness hid behind a tree and started to count: "One, two, three..."
As cOunting begun,all the vices and virtues began tO lOOk fOr a safe harbOr. Tenderness hung itself on the moon, Treason hid in a stack of garbage. Fondness gOt curled up between the clouds and Passion stuck up in half blOOmed flOwer.
Lie said that it would sit under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the sea
,while Avarice entered a gunny bag full Of grain that it ended up tearing.
And Madness continued counting: "... seventy nine, eighty, eighty One.."
By this time, all the vices and virtues were already hidden - except
LOve.FOr undecided as LOve is always, he cOuld nOt decide where tO hide. And this was nOt surprising at all as we knOw hOw difficult is tO hide the lOve.
Madness: "...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven..." Just when Madness
said hundred,LOve jumped intO a rose bush where it hid. And Madness turned around and shOuted: "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
As Madness turned arOund, Laziness was the first tO be fOund,because it has nO energy Or desire tO hide.
Then he spotted Tenderness On the moon, Lie at the bOttOm Of the lake and sO On.One by One all were fOund expect lOve.Madness was frustrated Of his unsucessful attempts.
Suddenly Envy came tO madness and enviOus Of lOve, she tOld madness abOut whereabOut of lOve.
Madness grabbed a wooden fork and stabbed wildly at the rose bush.He cOntinued till a heart wrenching shrill cry made him stOp.
Love appeared from the rOse bush,with her face cOvered with hand.Between her fingers ran twO trickles of blOOd frOm her eyes.
Madness, in anxiOus tO find lOve,had stabbed LOve's eyes with a pitchfork."What have I dOne! What have I dOne!" Madness shOut" .I have left yOu blind! HOw can I undO it?" What is the penance fOr such a heniOus crime?
And lOve which is always fOrgiving and kind said calmly : "You cannOt repair my eyes.
But if you want tO dO sOmething fOr me, you can be my eyes."
And sO frOm that day Onwards,LOve is blind and is always accOmpanied by Madness.

Monday, March 22, 2010


ऐसे ही चलता रहेगा ये प्रेम प्रसंग,
तुम्हारा न होकर भी होना मेरे संग|

तुम्हारे होने की पीड़ा
और तुम्हारे ना होने की वेदना
और उस पर मेरा ये सोचना
की , तुम को न पाकार भी
क्या पाया ?

इस अकथ्य यंत्रणा में ,
आग भी मैं हूँ और पत्ता भी,
भ्रूण भी मैं हूँ और प्रसूता भी|

इस वेदना का न कोई ओर, न अंत है
जीवन है क्षणभंगुर , प्रेम अनंत है |