Friday, November 21, 2008


The victory of Barack Hussien Obama in the recently concluded Presidential Election in the USA has already created a history.The election of Obama , a person of mixed ethnicity and of such young age , is representative of 21st century America in particular and whole world in general. Obama's super cool attitude, clarity of ideas on most of the complex situations like terrorism , economy , global warming was widely accepted by the common American ,as he won by a comprehensive margin, actually the biggest since 1996. His rational outlook comes from his upbringing in varied cultures and country like Indonesia & which blossomed in Ivy League campuses like Columbia & Harvard. He has even done community services in Chicago & became senator when he won a seat to The Senate in 1966 from Illinois. The inspiring journey that began from Jakarta culminated in Grant Park , Chicago ,where he gave his victory speech.

When Obama resumes his office in White House on January 20 , whole world will be looking to him with great hope and anxiety , how he delivers.At the time when the US is facing the twin heat of economic crisis and terrorism , it will require farsightedness and smart leadership to bring the US out of such crunch situation. Then there is problem of global warming & other climatic problems. The war in Afghanistan has been going on for more than the duration of World War without much success. The war in Iraq is turning out a grave one too. Obama admitted that the war in Iraq diverted US attention from the terrorist who attacked WTO .So it Will be a challenge for him to conclude Iraq war & that too in a way that not mar the US prestige in the world. He also indicated that focus will shift on the Afghanistan war. But even bigger challenge in front of Obama is to pull out his country from the grave Financial Crisis.Both these challenges are extraordinary and it will require equally extraordinary skill to tackle them.

For India , his role in the Senate on the nuke deal was certainly a negative sign. His statement about active involvement to find a solution for Kashmir issue created concern in New Delhi. His outsourcing policy was also a unwelcome in Indian market.Now when the issue of nuke deal has been solved , Obama has got a rare opportunity of keeping his reservation aside and work with India in many field like global warming ,health ,agriculture and of course IT.

If Obama passes the test of time , he will be in the same league of Great US presidents like Franklin Roosevelt ,Abraham Lincoln ,JFK. Otherwise he will be remembered only as first black US president in the history book. I hope he will live his campaign slogan.